6 Weeks Pregnant ─ Pregnancy Symptoms
You May Not See Any Visible Signs of Pregnancy but there are Many Changes Taking Place
244 DAYS TO GO. . .
This week may be the first time you notice any internal symptoms of your pregnancy, although you will not yet "look pregnant." However, the absence of pregnancy symptoms is normal, so do not be concerned.

The Embryo now has 14 somites which will develop into skeletal muscles, and vertebrae.
The eyes start their first signs of developing.
The Arm/Leg Buds are starting to sprout.
The Umbilical Cord is starting to supply some nutrients from the developing placenta.
The Yolk Sac still provides most of the nourishment to the embryo.
Pharyngeal Arches will develop into the head, jaw and neck.

Embryo Size
Your baby is about the size of a raisin during week 6.
LENGTH: 0.15 in / 0.38 cm
WEIGHT: 0.01 oz / 0.28 g
View Weekly Growth Chart >>
Your nutrition and health during your pregnancy is extremely important, however at this stage in your baby’s development, it is receiving all of its nutrients from its yolk sac. The yolk sac acts like the liver, and will produce your embryo’s first red blood cells (the liver takes over this function after week 9). In the next week or so, the primitive beginnings to a circulatory system will develop, as well as one of your baby’s major organs, its heart.
This sixth week of your pregnancy marks the rapid growth of your baby. Three types of cells are forming: cells that will form the skin and nervous system, cells that will form the blood vessels, muscles, and bones, and cells that will form the entire digestive system. Now, the cells in charge of the spine and the nervous system are hard at work. It is important that you are taking folic acid at this stage to ensure that the neural tube closes completely. With all this occurring, your body is working hard, and you may be feeling exhausted. Fatigue is a common pregnancy symptom, but be aware and track your fatigue. Fatigue can also be a symptom of anemia. To avoid anemia, you should eat iron rich foods, such as, leafy greens, red meat, whole-grain cereals, and legumes. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, so take supplements, or drink orange juice. You should limit, or even avoid, caffeine in your diet because caffeine hinders the absorption of iron into your body.
Another symptom of your pregnancy at this stage may be an increase in your breast size. This is the first part of your body that will change its shape. They will become quite bigger, rapidly, and may be tender to the touch. Your breast changes are due to the increase in the hormone estrogen in your body. Wearing a bra that provides lots of support may help with the tenderness in your breasts, and you may want to wear your bra to sleep. Creams containing aloe vera may also be soothing for the tenderness you are experiencing.
At this time in your pregnancy, you’ll want to be careful while you are cleaning you home. You should not use toxic products, keep rooms ventilated, and wear gloves. There are many alternative-cleaning products derived from plant products that are safe to use for you and baby. You’ll want to be careful, since this is a time when concerns about miscarriages are common. There is nothing that you can do to prevent a miscarriage, in fact 60% of miscarriages are caused by a one-time genetic issue. But bleeding does not always mean that a miscarriage is occurring, as stated before. Consult with your doctor if you have any concerns.
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