1 Week Pregnant - Early Signs and Symptoms

The 280-Day Countdown of Your Pregnancy Starts Now

280 DAYS TO GO. . .


Breast Pain
48% of women experience breast pain and tenderness as a symptom during week 1 of pregnancy. More >>
44% of women experience fatigue as a symptom during week 1 of pregnancy. More >>
41% of women experience cramps as a symptom during week 1 of pregnancy. More >>

You haven’t conceived yet, but we’re beginning our countdown here. Today is the first day of your period. If you conceive during this menstrual cycle, today will count as the first day of your pregnancy even though conception will not occur until about two weeks from now.

Pregnancy 1 week pregnant female reproductive organs


Ovaries hold eggs at different stages of development. At the end of next week ovulation occurs and a mature egg is released to the fallopian tube.

Fallopian tubes provide a pathway for the newly released egg to travel along on it's way to the uterus.

Your uterus contains a thick lining (endometrium) that accumulated during your last menstrual cycle and is discarded as you have your period.

Now is a great time to begin focusing on aspects of your lifestyle and your nutrition. First, and foremost, take folic acid. Folic acid is essential to your baby’s development during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Eat plenty of whole foods, vegetables, legumes and fruit. Your nutrition over the next nine months will be directly correlated to the health and well being of your baby. Your diet should also include foods containing B vitamins, or take a pregnancy multivitamin containing vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12. All of these B vitamins can aid in conception as well as benefit the growth and healthy development of your baby. Exercise will also keep you fit and healthy. Regular exercise will allow your body to operate with optimum functionality, which can increase your chances of conceiving. Also, you and your partner should make a conscious effort to steer clear of alcoholic beverages. Drinking can reduce the chances of conceiving, and if conception does occur, it can affect the health and development of your child. Alcohol does not only affect female fertility, but it adversely affects male fertility as well. Alcohol has adverse effects on the quantity and quality of sperm, and drinking heavily can cause impotence. So reach for nonalcoholic beverages if you are trying to conceive. You want to ensure you’re in the best of health, both mentally and physically. This is a lot to think about but don’t fret, this is a process to enjoy, let the stresses of your life fall to the wayside. It is easy to worry about finances, what your family and friends are telling you, and the amount of time it is taking to conceive, but remember: there is no perfect time to become parents. Being parents to your child and/or children is about so much more than what you can offer materially, and is a decision that only you and your partner can make together. Remember, RELAX.

Understanding how your menstrual cycle works may increase your chances of conceiving. Your menstrual cycle is a 28 day cycle consisting of various phases. Days 1-6 of your cycle is when you menstruate, or have your period. During this time the lining of your uterus that has built up over the last menstrual cycle is shedding. At the end of your period, from about day 7-10 of your cycle, you are relatively infertile while an egg is maturing within a follicle in one of your ovaries. From about day 11 to 19, you are going through your fertile phase where the egg has matured and you ovulate. Ovulation occurs mid-cycle, which is about day 14-16. The lining of the uterus starts to build up under the influence of progesterone and estrogen, in preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Day 19-28 is your infertile phase, and if your egg has not been fertilized your body will begin its cycle again.

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